Web and ITV Based Applications of Distance Education
Dr. Haomin Wang, DSU

Course Description:
A study of the processes and procedures for using Web-based and distance education technologies to support learning. The course includes a survey of instructional strategies on these platforms best addressing unique learning styles. The focus will be on applying the technology in ways that facilitate learner collaboration, distributed learning and an engaging learning environment.

Graduates of the program will:

bulletunderstand the capabilities of the computer, its impact on education, business, industry and government; and will be able to adapt to, understand, evaluate and make use of new and emerging innovations in computer and information technology.
bulletbe proficient in the use and application of computer software.
bulletbe aware of current trends and issues in computer education, distance education, electronic communications, computer hardware and software.
bulletbe proficient in finding, evaluating, and using current educational research to support continuous improvement in their profession.
bulletapply learning theory and the principles of instructional design in curricular and instructional decision-making.

Project Exhibit:
I am currently enrolled in this course.  The project exhibit will be a paper on Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication in Web Based Training Courses.  It will a written paper with quicktime movies inserted into it with interviews of people in asynchronous and synchronous courses discussing the pros and cons as they are experiencing the two types of communication modes.  It is a team paper with Gay Pickner as my partner.