Introduction to Distance Education
Deb Gearhart, DSU
Dr. Haomin Wang, DSU

Course Description:
This course is an analysis of the history, philosophy, design, and evolution of distance learning systems.  Distance learning is a world-wide concept and the course uses examples from many countries to emphasize institutional, program and course design methods and approaches.  The course assumes a system perspective in the analysis of distance education and the distance learner.   The various components of distance learning systems are introduced and overviewed including a) course development and design; b) course production; c) course delivery; d) learner support; e) evaluation of courses and the methods of cybernetic control of both student performance and instructional effectiveness; and f) research and evaluation of distance learning systems.

Graduates of the program will:

bulletunderstand the capabilities of the computer, its impact on education, business, industry and government; and will be able to adapt to, understand, evaluate and make use of new and emerging innovations in computer and information technology.
bulletuse systematic problem-solving and research-based human/computer interaction practices in the development of computer-assisted instructional programs.
bulletbe aware of current trends and issues in computer education, distance education, electronic communications, computer hardware and software.
bulletuse telecommunications-based tools to integrate information into the classroom and the curriculum.
bulletbe proficient in finding, evaluating, and using current educational research to support continuous improvement in their profession.

Project Exhibits:
Online Course