Computer Hardware and Networking
Mr. Tom Farrell, DSU

Course Description:
The technology and use of computer networks in educational institutions.  Topics include network topologies, server maintenance, connectivity, and network protocols.

Graduates of the program will:
bulletunderstand the capabilities of the computer, its impact on education, business, industry and government; and will be able to adapt to, understand, evaluate and make use of new and emerging innovations in computer and information technology.
bulletmanage instructional, computer technology systems.
Project Exhibit:
This was a course that I petitioned for credit transfer.  It was approved because of my following background:
     *  CED 596 - K-12 Networking Planning and Management - taken Spring of 1998 via RDTN and Internet from Tom Farrell.

     *  Attendance of TTL-NA at Black Hills School of Mines and Technology, Summer 2000.

     *  Network Administrator at Conde School District for 7 years.